
Our Philosophy

We believe childhood was meant for playing, exploring, and discovering in nature.  The outdoor classroom we provide feeds each child’s innate sense of wonder and curiosity. Children are given the space and an environment that encourages social, emotional, physical, and cognitive growth. We recognize that just as each day is unique so is each child and we meet them where they are while ensuring that their individual needs are being met. We model being respectful, mindful, compassionate, and empathetic towards one another and all of nature’s living beings. Our programs are designed to provide a safe, loving, and nurturing environment for children to learn, develop, and grow into unique individuals. 

At the same time, your child will also learn how to work together in a group. We believe children need to spend a large portion of their day outdoors in order to get the stimulation and natural learning experiences they are born to crave. More time outdoors not only exposes children to plenty of fresh air and sunshine, but it also encourages creativity, imaginative play, hand-eye coordination, balance, physical strength, sensory integration, mental clarity, and much more. In fostering a child’s natural curiosity, learning will organically flow from the stimuli encountered in nature. It is our hope that through the Coastal Kids programs children will develop a lifelong passion and joy for learning and playing in nature.



In our philosophy, we support children as they connect with others and their environment. We practice a non-judgmental approach and our focus is on the social-emotional growth of each child. Children are allowed to make mistakes and we are constantly working on the language we use in guiding children through their daily interactions. Children’s feelings are validated and supported. If you would like to learn more about our philosophy you can check out my mentor Barbara Olinger’s book or dvd on Amazon: Growing From the Roots. She trains our teachers and also provides parent support through various workshops and classes. For a limited time, a free copy of this book is included with registration.



  • Connection with nature (plants and wildlife)

  • Appreciation, knowledge, and respect for the natural world

  • Emotional Growth

  • Social skills, Building Friendships

  • Communication skills

  • Builds focus, motivation, self-esteem, independence and confidence

  • Improves problem solving, conflict resolution, self-regulation, impulse control

  • Limit Setting

  • Team building / Leadership

  • Water safety

  • Increase in physical development (agility, capability, and activity)

  • Fine and Gross Motor Skills

  • Healthy Risk Taking

  • Sense of Accomplishment / Achieving Goals

  • Builds the foundation for an active, healthy lifestyle

  • Trail / Hiking Etiquette

  • Happier Children



Being that we are an outdoor program we spend a lot of time in the sun. Please ensure that your child is protected by wearing appropriate attire (hats, rash guards…) with plenty of coverage along with applying sunscreen before arrival. We will assist your child with reapplication upon request. Make sure to include sunscreen in your child’s backpack. We believe in using the safest sunscreen products that not only protect our children’s skin, but also our environment. Visit this link to see how your sunscreen measures up:

If you have any questions or need recommendations please feel free to contact Director Gordon Ewing